Sunday, March 29, 2015

Catching Up

Apologies for the sudden disappearance: it's been quite a busy month with Hubs doing more overtime at his office, the Big Bad Wolf book sale in Penang that has been very damaging to my wallet and a long weekend shopping/catching up with friends treat in KL.

I went a little (which Hubs might describe as a bit of understatement) at the Big Bad Wolf, clocking in a total of 3 trips plus another visit to their permanent store BookXcess. I kept popping novels that I thought looked promising into my basket and frankly, was stunned at the amount that I'd accumulated. I think these loot will last me many a night curled up in bed and eagerly devouring pages.


  1. A blissful collections of books!

    SSG xxx

    1. I'm looking forward to the Rosie Project, have heard that it's a pretty good read


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