Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Bub's Birthday at School

Bub's 6th birthday celebration at his school was so bittersweet for me as I still can't get over the idea of it being his last year at kindy. Was it really years ago that I held that small, sticky hand tight in mine as we eyed the school with suspicious trepidation? Bubs is having none of it though, he enjoys his worldly status as a 6 year old gege where all the little ones practically look up to him. #stillalwaysmybaby

Hubs and I arrived early at school to bake a cake with Bubs and some of his chums. Following instructions from his teacher, we sifted flour, cracked eggs and poured cocoa inside. We sang songs while stirring the batter and it was so cute to watch Bubs interacting with his friends!

The children then tidied up with the older ones helping the younger ones with the apron knots.

It wasn't raining this year so we followed the children out into the garden to pick flowers for the birthday table decorations. They carried small plates in their hands as they pointed out the different blooms that they wanted the teacher to snip for them.

They were all mightily proud of their colourful selections. They went in to decorate and set up all the crockery and cutlery, complete with dainty napkins for each child.

While waiting for the cakes to be baked, Hubs and I played indoors with the children. As usual, I was fascinated with their toys, all made from natural materials: wood, felt, stones, shells and wool.

I couldn't stop picking each toy up to admire it.

The delicious scent of chocolate cake wafted in and we were then ushered to the table. After Bubs decorated his cake with fresh banana slices and candles, everyone sang Happy Birthday with gusto.

Each child then washed up their plate at the sink.

Hubs and I then joined in circle time with the children while the teacher talked about Bubs at school. At one point, I think Bub's emotions got the better of him and he looked choked up a little, haha ;) Happy Birthday, Bubs - no matter how big you get, always remember that we love you!

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