Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fairy Godma's Visit

Fairy Godma dropped by for a very short visit in town. It's always a treat to see her even though Bubs takes like forever to warm up to her each time he sees her.

I whipped up Nigella's chocolate hot pots for her. She spent close to an hour persuading Bubs to come sit with us but he wouldn't budge and clung to Hubs's legs. After a while, we gave up and enjoyed the chocolate with a nice chat.

We finally had success when Fairy Godma and I took Bubs down to the playground. Fairy Godma was super patient with all of Bub's demands for bao bao (to be carried), for countless picking him up and lifting him on the slides, the swings, the seesaws, the bouncy animals ... At the end of it, he was slipping his little hand into hers as they walked together ;)

Fairy Godma didn't come empty handed. She had a giant parcel for Bubs's birthday which I promised not to unwrap until September. She also passed me a bunch of belated birthday pressies for me, yay!

A They Cook & Draw cookbook, crystallised ginger (yum!) and Ikea lemon ginger biscuits. I LOVE the cookbook, the illustrations and recipes range from incredibly detailed to whimsical and fun. The eye candy features recipes from around the world (Beijing Eggs, anyone?) and hilariously named ones too (Top Model Salad). I'm now hooked onto the website

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