Friday, August 7, 2015

The Weekend in Snaps

It's been a really quiet but meaningful weekend spent with family.

Hubs and I spent close to half a day at the MPH bookstore's Bookerville Carnival where popcorn and candy floss galore were served in unlimited quantities to participants. It was supposed to be a fancy dress but as most children came in casual clothes, Superbubs got a prize just for dressing up :D

Lunch at Wakaba with my Dad and Baby Brother. The cold soba noodles were perfection because the noodles are freshly made in house and made even better with this sketch Bubs drew of the 4 of us. In case you can't tell, I'm the midget on top ... only because I insisted to be in the picture and there wasn't room at the sides to add me in.

Bubs building dinosaur enclosures. He's been a tad obsessed with dinosaurs after watching Jurrasic World. I swear, when I jerked at some parts of the movie, he didn't even bat an eyelid.

Hubs: You need a roof for the cages.
Bubs *very crossly*: Nooo, they don't need a roof so that when it rains, they can come out & eat humans

That is one very scary kid .............


  1. very scary kid indeed...but i like his reply... :P

    1. He told me he'd a dream about riding a dinosaur as it went around eating people. Kia see lang


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