Saturday, April 27, 2013

Happy Birthday to Meeeeee

So it was a run of the mill weekday and since I don't have that many colleagues added onto my Facebook, I was anticipating a nice, quiet day at work and hoping to sneak off early for dinner with Hubs and Bubs.


My team mates came bearing the cutest cheesecake (doesn't it resemble a dumpling?) and singing Happy Birthday at my cube. It was sooo sweet and embarrassing at the same time, haha! Everyone was looking at me and I felt so awkward being the centre of attention, I think my face was red the entire time. 

Hubs then whisked Bubs and me away for dinner at Rasa Sayang. We went for a little walk at the beach side garden before the buffet started and Bubs had fun playing with the sand. Don't ask me how I managed to end up with mosquito bites on my calves even before the sun went down.

Come dinner time, we were all ravenous. I'm iffy about eating cold seafood or sashimi at a lot of places because I get food poisoning very easily but I've no doubts over the freshness of these at Rasa Sayang. Let's just say I spent most of the night at the seafood and Japanese section.

The cheese selection was pretty decent too with servings of goat's cheese, blue cheese, brie, etc ... not to mention walnuts, hazelnuts, dried apricots, crackers, oh boy ... I'm salivating just at looking at these photos again.

I may or may not have had at least 40 scallops *shifty eyes* The prawns and mussels were yummy too but the scallops and chilli aioli were like a match made in heaven.

Who in their right minds could ever say no to dessert? Bubs's eyes widened with sheer happiness when he took a bite of the Paris Brest and said "Mummy, I want chocolateeee". It tasted almost like a Nutella cream puff but so much better.

And if I thought Hubs would let me get away without squirming in my seat in embarrassment, I guessed wrong again. He requested the staff to bring out a slice of birthday cake and sing Happy Birthday (again!) in the restaurant full of people *oh noesssss*

Thanks for all the phone calls, messages and pressies that I'd received. I feel so blessed :) And a year older and wiser, haha!


  1. Happy Birthday. Seems like you had an awesome day.

  2. Dear Nonya,

    You run a very classy blog here. It's so clean and well-kept. I am also pleased that you still keep a very traditional blogging style which is a rare thing today. And the mystery surrounding your family given your cropped photos are delightful (but makes me so curious!) Lovely blog, nonetheless.



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